Best Fudge Brownies
Prepare your pan - and this will determine what kind of brownies you have. A true 9x13 pan will give you thinner brownies. I have one that measures about 8x12 that gives me brownies like in the picture - just over an inch thick. For thicker brownies use a 7x11 pan (but I wouldn't go any smaller than that otherwise your brownies will be too thick and take longer to cook through to the middle.) Okay - back to the beginning. Prepare your chosen pan by buttering it. Turn oven to 325F.
In mixing bowl melt 1 cup of butter, either in microwave or double boiler style over boiling pot of water. When melted, stir in 12 T. cocoa powder with a wooden spoon (I think this may be about 1/3 c., but I've measured it this way for so long it is just habit now ;-) {Oh, by the way - it looks totally delicious at this point, just silky chocolate! For a little fun, offer a taste to the children and see how they like it - just a tiny finger dip though! My children only went for this one time - after that they always asked "Have you added the sugar yet?" } Now add 2 cups of sugar, stirring until mixed well. Stir in 1 t. vanilla and 4 eggs, one at a time, mixing each egg in thoroughly before adding the next one. At this point, you may add a good spoonful of peanut butter to the batter (about 1/2 c.), which not only adds flavor to the brownies, but makes them thicker and chewier too. YUMMM! Then add 1 cup of flour, again mixing well.
At this point you could be done and they make wonderful brownies by themselves - OR you could add whatever kinds of chips/nuts you have on hand or your heart desires. Semi-Sweet Chocolate Chips, Milk Chocolate Chips, White Chocolate Chips, Butterscotch Chips, Peanut Butter Chips, peanuts, almonds, walnuts, pecans, cashews, etc.
Fold your extras into the batter and spread in pan. Bake at 325F for 28-35 minutes, depending on your pan and how you like your brownies - longer for smaller pan, shorter for larger pan - Brownies are done when the top is dry and center is mostly firm to the touch - a little give but not a gooey give, okay?
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