Hello Again! So nice to have you back. Let's see what's been happening here with our Henrietta.
As you may know, she worked steadily on through a ruffle-ly dress and then helped whip up a set of aprons. Now I hope she's ready for a bit of fun!
She's decided to take a trip to the fabric shoppe to see what lovely things they have, what projects will go on her wish list and if there are any wonderful new books, patterns, yarns, or papers. You understand, dear, don't you?
Quietly strolling and browsing through the patterns -- Oh, Look! The children have found something! How cute, a fluffy chicken. Adorable. The children pushed on the chicken wing -- AAHHHH! WHAT is it Doing? It's chasing our Miss Hen!

Run, Hen! Run!
It keeps chasing her and playing this annoying polka song! Will she be able to get away?

It looks as though Henrietta is gaining some ground, if she can only keep it up for just a bit longer!
Oh, to be met with trials like this when one simply wants to enjoy the pleasantries of a visit to the shoppes!

Ahhh, a hiding place at last.

Oh, now, this is so much pleasanter and peaceful. What treasures Miss Henrietta could make with these!
After the adventures at the fabric shoppe, how about a bite of lunch, Hen? I know a little out of the way place nearby.

Lunch is ordered and Hen is getting out her napkin. She is, after all, a very proper and tidy hedgehog.

And now wash it all down with just a sip of refreshment.
What shall we do next? Oh, I know the perfect way to end the day. Come along, Henrietta!

(Originally published @ henandchicks.typepad.com)
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