. . . . Denise, and I'm a pattern-a-holic.
I don't mean to be, really. I don't know what comes over me. I can look through all the pattern books and see nothing I really want -- but then let those same patterns go on sale for $0.99 or $1.99 and suddenly I don't have enough paper to keep track of my want list!
And it's not like I don't have a variety of patterns, either. Because I've got it all. From Men's shirts and pajamas, to costume patterns I used to make capes for the boys, to every imaginable type of dress for daughter - except for anything with zippers! I don't do zippers. We just don't get along. I've tried a few times since my dismal failure 18 or so years ago, but it just hasn't worked out between the two of us. Although now even a zipper on a pattern can't stop me since I've figured out how to convert zipper patterns to ones that button!! I have all types of animal, apron, bag, organizer, and puppet patterns, not that I've ever made a puppet, but they're cute and one day I might want to, right? You DO see, don't you? I haven't made a dress for myself for a few years, but does that stop me from buying patterns still? Not on your life! Some day the perfect combination of fabric + pattern + mood will strike and BAM! I'll have another dress. But how can I do that if I don't have just that right pattern I saw 5 years ago?
That's my other reason for collecting patterns - and a good one, too. Did you know they don't care if a pattern is your favorite or not. When they want to, they can just stop making it. No notification, no warning. One day you blissfully walk into the fabric store determined to finally buy that pattern you've been looking at for so long and make something from it - or even worse, it's your most used pattern and you need a new one or a bigger size - only to discover that it is no longer in the pattern book. Not in the drawer. It's been Discontinued!
So, back to my pattern gathering. My newest weakness, problem, brilliant idea is to buy the desired pattern in multiple sizes so that I am prepared for any possibility. You can see how this expands my list expotentially.
At this particular time, I won't go into the patterns I've bought on-line through specialty shops and e-Bay, and I certainly won't mention garage sales! (A memorable one is a box of about 50 patterns for $5.00!)
What do I do with all these patterns? There's the problem of storage. I don't have "A Spot", so they are in this box here and that bag there, patterns I'm currently using and patterns that are in line (that have fabric & notions already purchased and ready to go) - which also means that there are times I buy a duplicate pattern because I forgot I have it already. You know, if you like it once, it is sure to catch your eye again!
Is there hope for me? Am I alone? Will I ever recover? Or should I just give in and relish, delight and dream of all the things I can make "One Day"?
p.s. This isn't all of the patterns I own. Just the ones I could get out without too much trouble. ;-)
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