Monday, March 12, 2007

Showing Off

While taking pictures of the new blanket for Great-Niece KNW, I thought I would take some photos of a quilt I made for daughter a few years ago -- I love how it turned out so this goes under the category of purely showing off, but you'll bear with me, won't you?

Rquilt1 Rquilt2

Brights! Hot Pinks! Bright Green! Fabulous Turquoise! and a nice staid purple floral to anchor it all.

The pattern is Woven Ribbons from the book Fat Quarter Quilts . I made this during my lovely but brief stint as a member of the local quilting guild. As I recall, this was one of the All-Nighters -- bring your fabric and machine (and iron and all necessary cutting implements) and cut and piece until you're done or ready to go home. It was a LOT of fun. And like so many of the groups on-line, it is so interesting to see how so many different people "see" such differences in the same pattern.

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