Our first little Scotty Dogs! We went to JoAnn's yesterday and bought some felt with 'visions of grandeur' floating in our heads after seeing all the amazing felt creations on this site.
Most of the time though, reality is our friend and in this case we chose to listen to reality and start simple. The pattern that Jennie B. has on her site couldn't be much easier - especially if you chose to do the 2-piece version which is simply sewing a front and back dog piece together with a bit of fluff inside. (To print the pattern, just click on the Scotty Dog Pattern graphic, which will open a new page that you can print. Be warned, when I printed mine, it cut off the tip of the head gusset, but it was easily hand drawn in when I cut out the pattern for use.)

Daughter did a wonderful job on her brown Scotty and so did Dear Son 3 on his cream Scotty. Since this was the first time sewing for both of them, they deserve much praise not only for their terrific little dogs, but for perservering through the little difficulties as well, such as tangled floss, knots on the wrong side, losing a needle, losing a head gusset and needing a new one, and Mom getting just a bit impatient and doing her best to NOT (lose her head).

My little Lilac Scotty went together fairly well, although I can certainly tell that I haven't done real hand-sewing for some time. In this instance, mending, sewing on buttons and stitching down facings as I make Daughter's dresses just doesn't count! As you can see below, this poor little guy is slightly askew - not tall and straight like Jennie B's!

I guess I'll either have to keep trying or switch to something with simple straight seams!
If you make a Scotty to add to your family, please share him/her with us! If you send me a photo I'll put it up for all to see and "Oooohh" over. ;-)
(Originally published @ henandchicks.typepad.com)
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