Yesterday was a fairly busy day - just having fun with the children and then went monster grocery shopping -- you know, the kind where you are out of EVERYTHING like flour and sugar and yeast and syrup and peanut butter and buttermilk and oatmeal and carrots and onions and potatoes and cilantro and . . . well, you get the picture.
Today is going to be pretty much the same. School with the children before lunch, and after lunch go pick up Angel at school two cities to the west of us and then drive to his IEP which is one city to the southeast of us. Not really as big of a deal as it sounds - since all of these cities could fit inside of my hometown in the valley with plenty of room left over. ;-) Then it will be time to get home and get dinner ready. I've actually made a menu plan for the coming week and got everything I needed on our shopping trip yesterday. Last night was Thai Coconut Chicken Soup and tonight is one of husbands favorites, Steak & Mushroom Pie.
Since I've not been sewing/crafting lately (except for Granddaughter's dresses and a cute poncho for daughter - and as soon as I finish the poncho fringe I'll picture and post!) I thought I would list the blogs that I enjoy reading and catching up with. Some I just do a quick check, others I delve into the archives to get every bit of goodness! So, in no particular order of importance, may I present
The Blogs I Regularly Read:
- A Dress A Day
- A Path Made Straight
- Isms
- Ann Kroeker
- Baby Bees
- Things Go Moo In The Night . . .
- Country Diary of a Twenty First Century Lady
- Homemaking Homesteader
- Homeliving Helper
- I Have To Say . . .
- Kidding Around
- My Home Sweet Home
- One Thing
- Random Contemplations
- Smockity Frocks
If there's one you haven't seen before, then check it out! They either have beautiful photos, great writing, something to make you smile or all of the above!
Have a blessed day in the LORD!
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