Monday, February 14, 2011

My Girl & I

In the kitchen, rolling meatball after meatball then rolling them in bread crumbs, getting to spend some wonderful time just chit-chatting with my sweet girl, I know without a doubt that I am blessed.

We talked of her morning, my shopping trip, the book she's read and the adventures of the people in it. We talked of dogs and brothers, of recipes and cabinet colors. We joked of silly mistakes made and I happily swam in the sound of her giggles.

All too soon our task was done and we each moved on to separate chores.

But I'm going to look at this picture and remember that precious part of an hour, and store it away with all the others.

1 comment:

Sharon said...

I simply LOVE these mother and daughter times! A daughters giggles are like heaven's rain falling down. What a great blog! Thank you for stopping by mine and leading me to yours :o)