We very much enjoy bird watching from the convenience of our back door and have had bird feeders in the backyard for years. These little Lesser Goldfinches and American Goldfinches are a favorite. I just set this feeder out yesterday (after a time of rest and a break from the financial costs of buying feed - sorry finches!) and this morning they are back!

They are so fun to watch. There are so many of them that they are waiting on nearby fences and branches for their turn at the feeder, sometimes getting impatient and just swooping in to claim a spot and knocking someone else out in the process.

In years past we have literally had hundreds of birds in the trees and on the feeders, all in constant motion flying from tree to feeder to fence to nearby bush to get into position to fly back to feeder. I can tell that we're going to have to put another feeder out - let the games begin!
(i apologize for the blue photos, they were taken taken through the window so as not to disturb the birds :-)
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