Monday, April 23, 2007

Get Real Monday: The Outfit

When Randi announced the subject of this weeks Get Real, I didn't think I would participate. I'd have to dig through the garage to find my old photo album and then scan whatever photos I found - and the new scanner husband bought last year still hasn't made nice with me.

But as I was doing my Bible reading this morning, it occured to me that I could participate and there was an outfit that I would be ashamed of being caught in. Actually, a few of them.

I would like to never been seen dressed in:

  • Impatience. The one that says "I'm busy" or "What do you want?" in that really ugly tone of voice, not only getting rid of the disturbance, but crushing the tender spirit in the process.
  • Selfishness/Frustration. This one is all too common, unfortunately. Selfishness puts my desires and present wants above anything else and Frustration is its closest companion when those wants are interrupted or interferred with.
  • Harshness. This is the harsh or grievous word that stirs up anger; the opposite of the "soft answer (that) turneth away wrath." Proverbs 15:1
  • A Critical and Complaining spirit. I can so easily find fault and pick at each little detail that was/is not done properly, why can I not just as easily praise and find those things that were done well? I know that when I am dressed like this I certainly am NOT being obedient to the word of God. "Do all things without murmurings and disputings: That ye may be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights of the world; Holding forth the word of life;" Philippians 2:14-16


I pray that I may always be clothed in "a word fitly spoken" (Pr. 25:11), and in "Charity (love) (that) suffereth long, and is kind; (that) envieth not; (that) vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, (that) doth not behave itself unseemly, (that) seeketh not her own, (that) is not easily provoked, (that) thinketh no evil; (that) rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; (that) beareth all things, (that) believeth all things, (that) hopeth all things and endureth all things." 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 Above all, may I be clothed in wisdom and understanding, which begins with the fear of the LORD.

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