Like most homeschooling families, we’ve been interested in farming, rural lifestyles, and back to the land ideals of growing our own food and raising some animals for quite some time. We’ve enjoyed watching movies of families who’ve left it all behind to live in the country; dreaming of Little House On The Prairie days with Ma & Pa and chores and old-fashioned fun; and reading of people who lived in simpler times with skills that most people no longer even know of, let alone possess for themselves. Usually our daydreams would go back to being dreams within a few days and life would go on with its’ relentless regularity.
Last year however we were blessed by a friend who shared some godly DVD’s with us. One of them touched my heart deeply and changed me: A Journey Home featuring the Waller family in Tennessee. I don’t want to over-romanticize about it, but the beautiful simplicity of their lives and the deep love they have for each other as they work and live and enjoy each day spoke very clearly to my own deep longing for those same things. Yes, it is terribly hard work and yes, it takes discipline, but the rewards are so tangibly evident and enticing.
So Why Now?
Several things are changing within our family that have nothing to do with the present times and everything to do with the present times: My husband is getting closer and closer to retirement; our sons are getting closer and closer to adulthood; our desire to grow and prepare our own food is becoming more important as we are learning more and more about the adulteration of industrialized food; we want to give our children the most basic skills of seeing food go from seed to harvest and from birth to table in order to be able to provide for their own families no matter what the future may hold for them; and we desire to see our children walk faithfully with the Lord, knowing that a simple life filled with hard work in seedtime and harvest is beneficial for that walk.
It’s late now but I look forward to finishing these thoughts tomorrow -
In Christ,
(this post originally published at