Friday, June 15, 2007

Pampered Life

We have a couple of extremely pampered pooches at our house.  These are just a few examples from what's happened this week:


This is daughter during our bible reading time - and of course if she's sitting still, that must be the perfect opportunity to get a tummy rub, right?  Obviously!


Here is our other doggie, renamed as "The World's Most Tolerant Dog" being treated to a snuggle in the toy box with all of the stuffed animals and beanie babies!  He is also the one who gets carried in the sling like a baby, put into boxes and wagons and dressed in anything daughter can find to make him "cute."  At times I think it's torture -- but he stays put and tolerates it all so well, he MUST like it / or the attention to some degree, right?

This post originallypublished @

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