"I thought this week we could write something fun or just take a look back at our lives and what we wanted to do when we were so young!"
Hey, I just did this a few weeks ago at our Bible Study group. That just makes it easy, I guess.
My earliest memory of what I wanted to do/be when I was a grown-up was when I was eight or nine years old. I knew that when I grew up I wanted to have three of four boys and then a little girl at the end.
When I was a teenager, I loved my high school Physiology class and so had visions of study and research in this field.
When I was grown-up, I became a Mommy and EVERYTHING changed!
Now, I am a homeschooling mother of four — three boys and one little girl. I never imagined that I would homeschool — I had never even heard of homeschooling until my sister-in-law started to homeschool my niece. Now I cannot imagine any other way to raise children in the nurture and admonition of the LORD than to teach them at home and instruct them when they rise up, and when they lay down, and as we walk by the way.
What a wonderful, graceful, and merciful God we have!
To see others dreams @ Blogger Friend School, click HERE.
This post originally published @ Homeschooling.com/ButterandHoney
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