This assignment is about my Bible. Or more particularly:
- How old is your Bible? My current Bible is only about three years old.
- Why did you chose this Bible? It is a King James Version which I chose specifically after doing much reading about the different Bible versions. I will no longer use any other kind of Bible.
- Do you highlight/mark passages in your Bible? Yes, I highlight and marks passages in my Bible. I used to have a friend who said she never wrote in hers, that it was a book and she was taught to never write in books – but for me the Bible the Word of God, living and active. Just as the Holy Spirit continually opens my eyes to new understanding in its’ pages, that discovery is recorded in those same pages.
- If so, what is your system for marking passages? At different times I will do word studies and so will go through and mark similar/applicable passages in the same color. For example, every verse that mentions wisdom is underlined in blue. A word study that I did on desire and its synonyms covet, lust, imagination, and delight, are marked with differing symbols in red and orange.
- Do you have notebooks to record things? No, I do not use a notebook.
- If so, how many and what do you record? See above.
- Where is your favorite spot to read your Bible? I most like to READ it, no matter where that may be. Probably my most cherished time is in bed at night – I meditate on the scriptures and a hymn from my hymnbook before going to sleep. Another favorite would be in the early morning snuggled in the corner of the couch while I read and look out my window.
- Are there any special thoughts about your Bible you want to share? Special thoughts? Only that I wish I read it more and listened more to the Holy Spirit’s prompting in my heart to obey it. More, I want more of it. More of its truth, more of its peace, more of Christ. And to impart that desire for more into my children so that they seek it as gold and find the treasure within to the saving of their souls.
This post was originally published @ Homeschoolblogger.com/ButterandHoney
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