Sunday, January 22, 2012

December 2011: Gingerbread Houses!

We have never made gingerbread houses before - hard to believe, I know!  Well, daughter and I spotted some cute kits at the grocery store and decided that this year was the year to make our first gingerbread house.  And of course we had to buy one for everyone  :-)

Harrison laying everything out and getting ready -

The kits came with a wide assortment of candies - so much fun!

Rachel doing a beautiful job in spite of her cast ~

I think Harrison made Eve from Wall-E as his snowman - lol!

Beautiful girl and beautiful house!

Great job!

This is Jackson's house.  He and I made ours a few days later.  Notice the gingerbread man and the snowman are holding croquet mallets -

Here are the rings for the ball to go through -

And he even made a little cheering section of gumdrop minions!  :-)  I think they're my favorite part.

While croquet was happening out front, no one noticed that the fire got out of control and now the chimney is on FIRE!!

My simple house - lots of rainbow colors, and lots of candy everywhere!

I think I'm the only one who used all of the candy that came with the kit.  And I love the way my little tree turned out.  Frosted the cookie and then dipped it in green sugar sprinkles.

My gumdrop roof with colored sprinkles and a light dusting of powdered sugar.  LOVE it!

We will definitely have to do this again next year!

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