About me? Really? Okay – here goes.
I’m a happy-to-be-40-something wife to DH and Mom to four incredible blessings. I keep busy trying my best to be a Home Keeper/Manager, with everything smoothly running so that we’re able to focus on the important things and not get bogged down by a lack of socks or an empty jug of orange juice. In my free time (LOL!!!) you’ll find me stamping cards to send or give away to friends, sewing clothing for my daughter and others, or working on my latest crochet project – which could be potholders, a baby afghan, or a blue-ribbon winning afghan for the County Fair. I’m also slowly ridding my home of hot-spots that attract clutter like an electro-magnet, and cleaning out an overcrowded, mouse-infested garage. Yuck!!
My DH is a busy Vice-President of his local union who is on top of all the minute details at work but can’t remember anything at home. How does that work?

My children are not so little children anymore. The firstborn, the Angel, is 23 and has Angelman Syndrome, which, if you are not familiar with it, essentially makes him a 6 foot tall toddler who loves hugs and kisses and snuggles. We made the very difficult decision 7 years ago to place him in a care home very near to us when he was taller and stronger than I and seeing to his very demanding physical needs was more than I was physically able to do. Our second son, the Science Guy, is 14 and loves, guess?? , science! He reads and reads and loves all the technical details of atoms and protons and how gravity works and that time moves faster in space and, and, and . . . He’s currently finishing up a study on the Civil War and looking forward to starting a study on Mediaval times, as well as an ongoing reading/listening list of the history of Classical Music. Our third son, the Badger, is 12.95/13ths and loves all things animal and is slowly working his way through the Boy Scout handbook. He’s a fighter with a very tender side, and when he repents you can easily see that it is from the depths of his heart. Our fourth child and only daughter, Tipua (tee-pOO-ah), is a 10 years old and a joy. She’s funny and quick and brightens everything. Plus, she loves being my helper and all around side-kick. Her nickname is just something that came to us one day as she was acting silly – and is a reflection of our enjoyment and interest in India. We’ve homeschooled from the very beginning and can’t imagine doing anything else. And yes, we are homeschooling through High School, and maybe even college!
We spend our days homeschooling and homeworking and training in the nurture and admonition of the LORD, which is really the hardest part, isn’t it? Daily I must be that example of denying self, loving service, and following Christ.
This was our 2006 Christmas photo – a favorite!
This post originally published @ Homeschoolblogger.com/ButterandHoney as an introduction for Homeschool Memoirs 2008-2009
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